Detailed Description:
This example shows SRAM ECC injection.
By default, a double-bit ECC error is injected on read access of a location in SRAM_U region.
This can be changed with the SRAM_U and DOUBLE_BIT macros.
The errors can be detected by both the ERM and MCM modules and the corresponding interrupts can be called.
Although only ERM is needed, for demonstration purposes, the MCM interrupt is enabled as well
with a lower priority than the ERM interrupts.
The ERM interrupts that are called first disable the injection mechanism
so that subsequent errors can not be detected during a stack read access.
The default S32 Design Studio start_up file copies the vector table to the SRAM_L region.
To be able to inject ECC errors in this SRAM region and call the interrupts,
the copying is disabled by __flash_vector_table__ symbol
declared in the start_up.h file and defined in the S32K144_64_flash linker file.
Test HW: S32K144EVB-Q100
MCU: S32K144 0N57U
Debugger: S32DSR1
Target: internal_FLASH