S32G-LLCE-PFE Sample project

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S32G-LLCE-PFE Sample project

Contributor II



Above list of the Plugins able to find but Copy the  all plugins in the C:\EB\tresos\plugins. Again import the project  load the configuration its showing the again the plugins missing.

As per the GoldVIP Developer guide document : Imported Sample project ( can-llce-pfe-eth) workspace in to Eb tresos and also mentioned to Remove missing plugins with Remove all faulty modules. Once removed unable to build the project. 

  • I am Using the Eb-Tresos (29.2.0 Version)
  • S32G_LLCE_1_0_4 Version-->C:\NXP\S32G_LLCE_1_0_4\plugins\eclipse\plugins copy to the C:\EB\tresos\plugins.
  • SW32G_RTD_4.4_3.0.2_HF01 Version-->C:\NXP\SW32G_RTD_4.4_3.0.2_HF01\eclipse\plugins copy to the C:\EB\tresos\plugins.
  • PFE-DRV_S32G_M7_MCAL_BETA_0.9.7 Version-->D:\PFE-DRV_S32G_M7_MCAL_BETA_0.9.7\eclipse\plugins copy to the C:\EB\tresos\plugins.
  • this all plugins are There but is showing the missing plugins cannot create the module configuration in the Project please tell me any missing of the above process.


  • and also showing the Project: can_llce-pfe_eth<br>Module configuration "Can_43_LLCE" of project "can_llce-pfe_eth" does not match target or release .
  • Project: can_llce-pfe_eth<br>Module configuration "Can_43_LLCE" of project "can_llce-pfe_eth" does not match target or release.
  • Project: can_llce-pfe_eth<br>Disabled module configuration "Can_43_LLCE" of project "can_llce-pfe_eth": Configuration cannot. Please tell me any missing the above process.





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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


You are saying that you are following the GoldVIP User Guide steps to import the LLCE+PFE example, is that correct?

If so, you should not. GoldVIP modifies some packages and is creating a problem with the target on other projects. The below thread provides some steps which are working for our NXP team:

S32G LLCE-1.0.4 version CAN2CAN project : does not... - NXP Community

Please, let us know.

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