I am trying to use https://github.com/nxp-auto-linux/pkcs11-hse to build hse-encrypto.c on s32g274ardb2 platform, but the projects missing file: hse_interface.h
Then I try to get it from https://community.nxp.com/t5/S32K/S32K312-to-get-random-numbers/m-p/1645346#M22641, the compilation is successful.
But when I run it, the hse_check_status interface return 0x920, the program exit and prompt "DEMO: key catalogs not formatted\n",
Lookup hse_status_and_errors.h, the marco HSE_STATUS_INSTALL_OK is not ok,
How should I solve this problem?
Thanks for support, the problem is solved.
The "hse_interface.h" file is provided under the HSE FW. Have you installed HSE under your current board? Since PKCS11 provides direct low-level access to HSE, HSE FW needs to be installed.
Which BSP version are you using? Also, which HSE FW/DEMOAPP are you using?
Please, let us know.
The BSP version is BSP36.
And I have installed HSE FW under the board, the FW version is "HSE_FW_S32G2_0_1_0_5". my installation steps as follow:
1. download "HSE_FW_S32G2_0_1_0_5.exe" from NXP software center
2. install "HSE_FW_S32G2_0_1_0_5.exe" to Windowns PC, then copy the Complete installation package (which include hse bin file and interface) to ubuntu host machine.
3. update the conf/local.conf file in the Yocto to enable PKCS11 Support & the HSE Linux Driver, as below:
DISTRO_FEATURES:append = " hse"
NXP_FIRMWARE_LOCAL_DIR = "/path/to/firmware/folder"
4. build and flash the image, then run the demo according to the link:
Thanks for your feedback. It seems you are adding the HSE drivers to your Linux build, but we still seem to understand that you are not using the HSE_DEMOAPP to install the HSE FW into your board.
You can add the HSE drivers to your Linux build, but if the HSE FW is not previously installed in your board, it will not be able to detect any HSE FW installation, for which it answers back with the "HSE_STATUS_INSTALL_OK is not ok".
Please, let us know.