we are using all the four LLCE LINFLEXD channels as UART with LLCE interrupt forwarding in our s32g2 rev2 system.
in Linflexd, FOR UART we have enabled the RX interrupts.
Here RX interrutpts are always enabled, and as soon as data is received, ISR is exceuted and data is stored in a circular buffer.
This data is taken by application for further processing.
The issue we are seeing is that the interrupt latency for RX seems to be sometimes more, i.e ISR is called or executed with a higher latency period.
as per our previous conversations with the NXP, it was understood that the only one ISR is available for all the channles of LLCE LINFLEXD.
is there any way that we can reduce the interrupt latency, or is there any way to create ISR for each LINFLEXD channels, which would really improve our system performance.