How can I boot to the SDCard using the M7 binary?

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How can I boot to the SDCard using the M7 binary?

Contributor I

I am using the S32G274ARDB board.

Referring to "03. Light Up RGB LED Based On Real Time Drivers" in the "S32G-VNP-GLDBOX Software Enablement Guide" document, the UART operation test program was created and the operation was confirmed using the S32 Debug Probe.

And like the guide document, the SDCard image was created, and the operation was checked after writing the image to the SDCard, but it did not work.

Can you help us with what we're missing and the checkpoints?

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1 Reply

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

I'm assuming the board in question in S32G-VNP-RDB2, not S32G274ARDB, which is
an invalid part number. There is a document specific to your board which
describes exactly what you want - boot S32G2 M7 core from an SD card directly
into an application created in S32DS:

If you want to create a workable demo for an M7 SD card boot, all that you need
is to follow it strictly. The same slides discussing IVT, DCD and the linker file
give you the checkpoints for a modified code. If you changed the demo code and it
fails with with your modifications, you have to  debug it. See S32DS User Guide,
section titled "Debugging with S32 Debug Probe from flash for all other targets"
on page 100.

Additional information on the bootable SD card image layout and SD card boot
flow can be found in S32G2RM, Sections 30.4 and 30.13.2

Best Regards,



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