Dear Engineer:
There is a problem when i imitate the AN12235(3-phase PMSM control user guide) to configure the six ways complementary PWM. I followed the example which is shown as figure 15 in AN12235.And imitate the code in MCSPTE1AK144_PMSM_FOC_2SH/Source/actuate_s32k.c to debug. But the output PWM is always high for each way.
My configuration and code as follows:
Thank you so much for your interest in our products and for using our community.
If you are looking to migrate the MCSPTE1AK144 examples to a S32K142 I recommend you refer directly to the examples of the MCSXTE2BK142 Development Board.
Hope it helps you.
Have a nice day!
dear engineer, i also refer to the examples of the MCSXTE2BK142 when i face this question, but i cant solve it.Now i find if i want to unmask the channel, i must add a period of delay after i call the code that FTM_DRV_MaskOutputChannels(INST_FLEXTIMER_PWM1, 0x3F, true);
is there any limitation when use the code? i just imitate the actuate.c in
MCSPTE1AK144 examples or MCSXTE2BK142 examples..
No limitation is reported when using this code.