Is there any LINFlex LIN Master-Slave example or demo projects for S32DS, MPC57XX EAR SDK V0.8.1?
I've got an MPC574XG evaluation board with MPC5746C MCU. I want to use LIN0 and LIN1 port but there is no example configuration project for LIN Flex Master-Slave communication?
I received confirmation from development team that LIN support for MPC5748G is not planned.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
Do you mean that there is no lin master in SDK? I'm using the MPC5748G RTM3.0, and I don't find any lin master in components library.
Thanks Martin for the quick support.
I am currently planning to do the LIN function development of 5748G, but I have encountered the same problem as you. I did not find relevant samples in the SDK. How did you solve it?
Best Regards
I did not find any demo project, I've solved this problem without SDK.
Hello eyupozer,
I am also trying to configure LINFlexD to LIN mode, could you please share your code with me?
Best Regards,
unfortunately, there is no example for LINFlex in SDK available at all. I will ask SDK development team, if there is any plan to create one (but for SDK RTM 2.0.0) and I will let you know.