Dear Sir
I use the DEVKIT-MPC5748G to do external interrupt and the DEVKIT of button are PTA3 and PTE12.
I am stuck for a while with External interrupt, I can trigger PTE12 into interrupt, but the PA3 can't trigger interrupt.
I use S32_SDK_MPC574xx_BETA_0.9.0 of enet_ping sample code.
Below is my initial code.
void GPIOInit(void)
/* Set Output value LEDs */
PINS_DRV_ClearPins(LED_PORT, (1 << LED0) | (1 << LED1));
/* Install buttons ISR */
INT_SYS_InstallHandler(SIUL_EIRQ_00_07_IRQn, &buttonISR, NULL);
INT_SYS_InstallHandler(SIUL_EIRQ_08_15_IRQn, &buttonISR, NULL);
INT_SYS_SetPriority(SIUL_EIRQ_00_07_IRQn, 4);
INT_SYS_SetPriority(SIUL_EIRQ_08_15_IRQn, 5);
/* Enable buttons interrupt */
And setting the "pin_mux:PingSettings" of PE.
I set the External interrupt 0 is PA3 and External interrupt 11 is PE12.
2. Change Interrupt Edge to be "Rising edge"
3. GPIO Set to be input
4. Pin assigned to be SUL2/eirq/0 and SUL2/eirq11.
Any suggestions please.
Hi Kris
I bought a MPC5748g DevKit a few weeks ago and I was facing the same problem.
After some researche I found that the problem is in the code of the file
but also depends on the order the file
is created.
In my case i had
.pinPortIdx = 3u, //PA3
.intConfig =
.eirqPinIdx = 0u,
.pinPortIdx = 17u, //CAN0RX
.intConfig =
In this case the code in will assume, errouneously, for .pinPortIdx = 17u, the value .eirqPinIdx = 0u.
By observation of line 206 of file siul2_hw_access.c
config->base->IRER0 &= ~pinIntValue;
it can be seen that the first bit of byte config->base->IRER0 will be cleared
Then, Interruptions are enable for PA3 but the bug in the code clears this bit, disabling interruptions for this PA3
The solution is to comment the code in line 206
// config->base->IRER0 &= ~pinIntValue;
and, just to set the code more elegant, change the code in line after the comment
/* External interrupt initialization */
if (config->intConfig.intEdgeSel != SIUL2_INT_DISABLE)
pinIntValue = (1UL << config->intConfig.eirqPinIdx);//This line moved from before the if to here