Getting hardfault due to Clock_Ip_SetFlashWaitStates()

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Getting hardfault due to Clock_Ip_SetFlashWaitStates()

Contributor II

I am using the S32K344EVB-Q257 board. I have developed an application for can Transit and it is working fine with FreeRTOS. But If I include Emios_Mcl_Ip_Init() or Emios_Pwm_Ip_InitChannel() API in application code. My firmware getting hard fault while calling Clock_Ip_SetFlashWaitStates() calls.


I am not able to understand why hard fault occurs before my newly added API call? @PetrS  can you please help me to regarding it? 


During debugging I have observe two issue

1) Clock_Ip_SetFlashWaitStatesCallback() address becomes zero

2) Fee_JobScheduleLookupTable, all entry becomes zero.

first hardfault occurs at point 1 , if I replace Clock_Ip_SetFlashWaitStatesCallback() code into Clock_Ip_FLASH_SetFlashIWS() hardfault fault occurs at 2nd point when Fee_JobSchedule() is called if I replace Fee_JobSchedule() with Fee_JobSystemDone() codewords fine as expected.

In debug console, I am getting the following error

UsageFault: An instruction executed with an invalid EPSR.T or EPSR.IT field.
HardFault: A fault has been escalated to a hard fault.

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Contributor II

Hello @PetrS , can you please help me regarding this issue?

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