While trying to download a sample code into S32K144 w/ EVB, the progress is stopped as below.
The console shows only initializing at this point as below.
Anyone who know the way to figure this out?
has this problem resolved? I'm having exactly the same problem for S32DS for ARM 2.2 on a board with S32K118. The S32DS, the board, the P&E debugger all have worked until it stops working
Hi Byungmin,
I'd recommend you to use the latest version of S32DS for arm if possible:
S32 Design Studio for ARM 2018.R1 (Windows/Linux) released!
S32 Design Studio for ARM 2018.R1 - Update 1 available
It includes the updated version of P&E GDB server (v3.4.5).
In case you are connecting/debugging over OpenSDA please check if you have the latest firmware (v1.19).
If you don't have please update the firware:HOWTO: Update OpenSDA Firmware on EVB
If you are using Windows 10 it is highly recommended to download and install the latest drivers by P&E:
If it doesn't help please let us know the version of your S32K144 chip populated on the board.
Hope it helps.