I'm currently using the S32 Design Studio to flash the S32K144 evaluation board, but for our automated build and testing framework I need a means of flashing the board through command line.
I figured I could do this simply by copying our generated .elf file to the USB device, since the board supports OpenSDA, but I haven't been able to get feature of OpenSDA to work (I have tried on both Mac and Linux).
What are my options for command line flashing of the board?
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Hi Andrew,
you can use PE micro debug server and client directly. pegdbserver_console.exe is located in
and use gdb client arm-none-eabi-gdb.exe located in
You can add your commands into file - in my case my_commands.txt which contains (attached for reference):
target remote localhost:7224
load c:/nxp/hello_world_s32k144.elf
This flashes hello_world_s32k144.elf into board. You can find more gdb client commands with help command:
Hope it helps.
Hi ainwood,
The OpenSDA works with s-record files only, it will not work with ELF. Check out this guide https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-340965 to see how to generate an s-record file from your project.
Hope it helps,
Hi Mike,
Unfortunately I have tried s-records without success already. My method is to use objcopy directly to generate the srec from elf (I need command line build/deploy), start the board in BOOTLOADER mode, copy the file over, and then restart the board. I always find that the new code doesn't "stick", and when I reboot I'm left with the previous code.
Are there steps I'm missing?
Hi Andrew,
you can use PE micro debug server and client directly. pegdbserver_console.exe is located in
and use gdb client arm-none-eabi-gdb.exe located in
You can add your commands into file - in my case my_commands.txt which contains (attached for reference):
target remote localhost:7224
load c:/nxp/hello_world_s32k144.elf
This flashes hello_world_s32k144.elf into board. You can find more gdb client commands with help command:
Hope it helps.
In addition to that, there is an article on that subject available here:
Command Line Programming and Debugging with GDB | MCU on Eclipse
I hope this helps,