I'm using example project, IPCF_Example_multi_instance_S32R45_M7_0
There are two issues on headless build.
First, Including path doesn't include in headless build even if all necessary paths are listed as below
Consequently, All necessary path has to be included in command line as below. Otherwise toochain doesn't find proper header file.
eclipsec --launcher.suppressErrors -nosplash -data C:\Users\Eddy\workspaceS32DS.3.4 -application org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.headlessbuild -build IPCF_Example_multi_instance_S32R45_M7_0/Debug_RAM -import C:\Users\Eddy\workspaceS32DS.3.4\IPCF_Example_multi_instance_S32R45_M7_0 -I C:/NXP/S32DS.3.4/S32DS/software/PlatformSDK_S32XX_2021_12/SW32_RTD_4_4_3_0_0_D2112/Base_TS_T40D11M30I0R0/include -I C:/NXP/S32DS.3.4/S32DS/software/PlatformSDK_S32XX_2021_12/SW32_RTD_4_4_3_0_0_D2112/Base_TS_T40D11M30I0R0/header -I C:/NXP/S32DS.3.4/S32DS/software/PlatformSDK_S32XX_2021_12/SW32_RTD_4_4_3_0_0_D2112/Platform_TS_T40D11M30I0R0/startup/include -I ./RTD/include -I ./IPCF/src/common -I ./IPCF/src/hw -I ./IPCF/src/os -I ./FreeRTOS/Source/include -I ./IPCF/src/hw/s32gen1 -I ./FreeRTOS/Source/portable/GCC/ARM_CM7/r0p1 -I ./generate/include -I ./RTD/include -I ./board -I generate/src
Second, incremental build doesn't function well. every time I try build in headless, clean build is carried out.
Above two problems don't occur in GUI build.
anyone who can answer?
Hello @eddy_bts,
If you use s32ds.exe, instead of eclipse.exe, then it will include the s32ds.ini file.
s32ds.exe -noSplash \
-consoleLog -noExit \
-application com.nxp.swtools.framework.application [tools commands]
If you prefer to use eclipse.exe, then you must include this file manually.
eclipsec.exe -noSplash \
--launcher.ini /path/to/S32DS/installation/eclipse/s32ds.ini
-application com.nxp.swtools.framework.application [tools commands]
You can locate more instructions for command line execution from the user documentation inside S32DS. Go to Help -> Help Contents, then S32 Configuration Tools Getting Started -> Command Line Execution
Hope it helps,