I had downloaded the Vision SDK RTM1.0.1 and S32DS.Vision 2.0 from NXP.com, I tested that Vision SDK RTM1.0.1 and S32DS.Vision 2.0 could be compatible.
But I used the Image which was created by the Auto Linux BSP 17.0 of S32V234 as my S32V234evb-28899's linux kernel, and I used the s32v234-evb28899.dtb and rootfs.tar.gz from the Vision SDK RTM1.0.1.
there is linux image present in VSDK installation - s32v234_sdk\os\ . The linux version is BSP 13.0. Next S32DS for vision release will be compatible with BSP 16.0 .
Hope it helps.
Thank you Jiri. Can you tell me how to get the Linux BSP 13.0 from the NXP.com?
Thank you Jiri. Can you tell me how to get the Linux BSP 13.0 from the NXP.com? I can only get the download link of BSP 17.0.
And do you know how to use the gpu driver galcore.ko of s32v234 together with the VSDK?