Dear supports:
I need spi send msg like follow picture, but I found spi only send up to 32 bits.
This is the code:
void LPSPI0_init_master(void) {
PCC->PCCn[PCC_LPSPI0_INDEX] = 0; /* Disable clocks to modify PCS ( default) */
PCC->PCCn[PCC_LPSPI0_INDEX] = 0xC6000000; /* Enable PCS=SPLL_DIV2 (40 MHz func'l clock) */
LPSPI0->CR = 0x00000000; /* Disable module for configuration */
LPSPI0->IER = 0x00000000; /* Interrupts not used */
LPSPI0->DER = 0x00000000; /* DMA not used */
LPSPI0->CFGR0 = 0x00000000; /* Defaults: */
/* RDM0=0: rec'd data to FIFO as normal */
/* CIRFIFO=0; Circular FIFO is disabled */
/* HRSEL, HRPOL, HREN=0: Host request disabled */
LPSPI0->CFGR1 = 0x08000001; /* Configurations: master mode*/
/* PCSCFG=0: PCS[3:2] are enabled */
/* OUTCFG=0: Output data retains last value when CS negated */
/* PINCFG=0: SIN is input, SOUT is output */
/* MATCFG=0: Match disabled */
/* PCSPOL=0: PCS is active low */
/* NOSTALL=0: Stall if Tx FIFO empty or Rx FIFO full */
/* AUTOPCS=0: does not apply for master mode */
/* SAMPLE=0: input data sampled on SCK edge */
/* MASTER=1: Master mode */
LPSPI0->TCR = 0x5900000f; /* Transmit cmd: PCS1, 8 bits, prescale func'l clk by 8, etc*/
/* CPOL=0: SCK inactive state is low */
/* CPHA=1: Change data on SCK lead'g, capture on trail'g edge*/
/* PRESCALE=4: Functional clock divided by 8 */
/* PCS=1: Transfer using PCS1 */
/* LSBF=0: Data is transfered MSB first */
/* BYSW=0: Byte swap disabled */
/* CONT, CONTC=0: Continuous transfer disabled */
/* RXMSK=0: Normal transfer: rx data stored in rx FIFO */
/* TXMSK=0: Normal transfer: data loaded from tx FIFO */
/* WIDTH=0: Single bit transfer */
/* FRAMESZ=63: # bits in frame = 63+1=64 */
LPSPI0->CCR = 0x04090808; /* Clock dividers based on prescaled func'l clk of 100 nsec */
/* SCKPCS=4: SCK to PCS delay = 4+1 = 5 (500 nsec) */
/* PCSSCK=4: PCS to SCK delay = 9+1 = 10 (1 usec) */
/* DBT=8: Delay between Transfers = 8+2 = 10 (1 usec) */
/* SCKDIV=8: SCK divider =8+2 = 10 (1 usec: 1 MHz baud rate) */
LPSPI0->FCR = 0x00000003; /* RXWATER=0: Rx flags set when Rx FIFO >0 */
/* TXWATER=3: Tx flags set when Tx FIFO <= 3 */
LPSPI0->CR = 0x00000009; /* Enable module for operation */
/* DBGEN=1: module enabled in debug mode */
/* DOZEN=0: module enabled in Doze mode */
/* RST=0: Master logic not reset */
/* MEN=1: Module is enabled */
void LPSPI0_transmit_16bits (uint16_t send) {
/* Wait for Tx FIFO available */
LPSPI0->TDR = send; /* Transmit data */
//LPSPI0->TDR = send2; /* Transmit data */
LPSPI0->SR |= LPSPI_SR_TDF_MASK; /* Clear TDF flag */
uint16_t LPSPI0_receive_16bits (void) {
uint16_t recieve = 0;
/* Wait at least one RxFIFO entry */
recieve= LPSPI0->RDR; /* Read received data */
LPSPI0->SR |= LPSPI_SR_RDF_MASK; /* Clear RDF flag */
return recieve; /* Return received data */
Function called LPSPI0_transmit_16bits() cyclic.
If I try set LPSPI0->TCR to 0x5900001f(FRAMESZ = 31), It seems ok. I can see any wave form on the Oscilloscope.
If I try set LPSPI0->TCR to 0x5900003f(FRAMESZ = 63), It seems failed. I can't see any wave form on the Oscilloscope.
Could you give me some help? Thanks in advance!