I'm using MPC5744P's demo, and I had compile errors at compile time ,error is follow
SDK FreeMaster_MPC56xx_1.9.0_com.freescale.s32ds.cross.gnu.e200.toolChain, ghs.managedmake.ppc.executable.toolchain - ABSENT, com.windriver.cdt.diab.toolChain.exe.balanced - ABSENT is not found in workspace
I'm using S32 IDEV1.2, and my MCU is MPC5744P.
How do I solve this problem?
It looks like that your project is looking for greenhils and windriver eclipse plugins - for some reason. Can you please share your project?
I'm so sorry, because of the company's network restrictions, I can't upload any files to the extranet
could you please clarify, if you use some example project (and which one) or if you create your own project? If you create your own project, could you please share the project settings or whole project?
this project wasn't created by me, I got the project from someone else, and someone else had run it once on the NXP MPC574xPEVB Assessment Board . Now I'm using the S32IDEv1.2 version to open the project, and the compile error occurred while I was compiling .
Here's my project settings
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<section name="org.eclipse.cdt.internal.ui.wizards.settingswizards.IncludePaths">
-<language name="C Source File">
<includepath>C:\Users\Administrator\workspaceS32DS.Power\ADC_MPC5744P\src\drivers\other header</includepath>
<language name="ld"> </language>
-<language name="Assembly Source File">
<includepath>C:\Users\Administrator\workspaceS32DS.Power\ADC_MPC5744P\src\drivers\other header</includepath>
-<language name="s,S,ASM,asm">
<includepath>C:\Users\Administrator\workspaceS32DS.Power\ADC_MPC5744P\src\drivers\other header</includepath>
-<section name="org.eclipse.cdt.internal.ui.wizards.settingswizards.Macros">
-<language name="C Source File">
<language name="ld"> </language>
-<language name="Assembly Source File">
-<language name="s,S,ASM,asm">