I want to add a step in the build process to switch configuration sets in the process of automating unit tests. I wondered if I could do this by calling the S32K configuration tool or the command line tool, but when I looked for the relevant documentation, I couldn't find anything that contained the relevant content.
what's your S32DS version and target device?
Is there any data on that?
I'm not sure what you mean by configuration - If you like build for example only Debug_FLASH target, you can add /Debug_FLASH (or the configuration name in your project) after project name. Like this.
c:\NXP\S32DS_ARM_v2.2\eclipse\s32ds.exe -nosplash -application org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.headlessbuild --launcher.ini c:\S32DS_ARM_v2.2\eclipse\s32ds.ini -data c:\users\user\workspaceS32DS.ARM.2.2 -cleanBuild hello_world_s32k144/Debug_FLASH
S32DS ARM 2.2 & S32DS POWER 2.1
MPC5745B & S32K146