I have a S32DS project which was built using version 2018.R1 (Build id: 180815).
The system which I have has version 2018.R1 (Build id: 180326) installed.
While building the project I am getting
Cannot run program "": Launching failed
Error: Program "" not found in PATH
How to resolve above issue. And how to update build version? Need solution asap.
Solved! Go to Solution.
this can be done by update. With fresh install:
On main menu bar click on Help -> Install new Software -> check Available Software sites:
Select S32DesignStudio and PE Micro:
Select all available sites:
and you should be able see what will be updated:
When update is done (it takes a while - it is cumulative update) - the support for MCWT1xxx is added and the build version is as requested:
Hope it helps.
what type is your project - it is project from Example or you created new empty one?
Sorry could not get question?
I dont know how project was created. I am just importing it the new workspace.
Its a 2+ year old project.
Okay, I see. Can you please share output from build console and the .args file (by default is .args file in Debug or Debug_Flash folder)?
How to share files privately?
You can send it directly to my NXP email address.
Please remove files after use.
Console Build:
14:43:20 **** Build of configuration Debug for project awc_msil ****
Cannot run program "": Launching failed
Error: Program "" not found in PATH
PATH=[C:\NXP\S32DS_ARM_v2018.R1\eclipse\..\Cross_Tools\gcc-6.3-arm32-eabi\bin;C:\NXP\S32DS_ARM_v2018.R1\utils\msys32\usr\bin;C:/NXP/S32DS_ARM_v2018.R1/eclipse/jre/bin/client;C:/NXP/S32DS_ARM_v2018.R1/eclipse/jre/bin;C:/NXP/S32DS_ARM_v2018.R1/eclipse/jre/lib/i386;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\iCLS\;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\iCLS\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;C:\Program Files\TortoiseGit\bin;C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH\;c:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2018a\runtime\win64;c:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2018a\bin;C:\Users\nxf39574\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;;C:\NXP\S32DS_ARM_v2018.R1\eclipse]
14:43:20 Build Finished (took 153ms)
In your project is absolute path for linker script file (the .ld file) - located on Drive
Do you have such folder on your machine? If not, you need add correct location for linker file script in Project Properties:
The path you gave is valid.
The script is present "${ProjDirPath}/Project_Settings/Linker_Files/MWCT1014S_64_flash.ld" at location from root folder.
Okay. What is in Project Properties -> Settings -> Cross Settings?
And what is in your toolchain properties:
It is possible share your project - you an send it to jiri.kral@nxp.com . It looks, that there is probably somehow badly setup toolchain. If you imported project, was there some Warning/Error message?
I would like to upgrade the build version i.e from 180326 to 180815 first and try? How to do it?
I'm not able reproduce it - but the red line is the cause. Did you tried choose different toolchain from the list?
I have attached snapshots of projects settings which are required to build the project.
The outcome of this is that
1. I am able to build the project but there is mismatch in hex file contents.
2. I am not able to select chip: MWCT1014S in "EmbSys Register View" project settings. The only options are S32K* series.
3. there is definitely some issue happening while importing the project
Can you give steps about "How to update S32DS build id from 180326 to 180815"?
I think this will might resolve the issue build issue.
I the vendor only Freescale is present.
Okay, So try the update or install the latest S32DS version - S32DS For ARM v2.2.
If the update doesn't work and you required the S32DS for ARM v2018.R1 - download it from NXP pages, uninstall your existing S32DS and install the downloaded one.
the MWCT10xxS chip is under NXP vendor, not in Freescale - are you able switch from Freescale to NXP in EmbSys register view?
You can update your S32DS installation from Main Menu bar Help -> Install New Software:
Anyway, the latest S32DS version supporting MWCT10xx MCU is S32DS for ARM v2.2 -
I have tried all the following but issue still remains
1. software update
2. complete re-install
@jiri_kral Can you tell me how to update S32DS build id to 180815?
this can be done by update. With fresh install:
On main menu bar click on Help -> Install new Software -> check Available Software sites:
Select S32DesignStudio and PE Micro:
Select all available sites:
and you should be able see what will be updated:
When update is done (it takes a while - it is cumulative update) - the support for MCWT1xxx is added and the build version is as requested:
Hope it helps.
In the vendor only Freescale is present.