I am not able to import an existing project. I can noodle around witht he existing working project, but I am not able to figure out how to get this to work. I'm using this on a KEAZ128. Typical errors are:
make: *** No rule to make target 'clean'. Stop.
Not even sure where to begin.
what is your S32DS version and do you know the S32DS version with was original project created?
It looks, that there is wrong path for toolchain or the toolchain used in original project is not installed.
Hello Jiri,
I am using version 2.2, Build id 200116.
Originally what happened was my workspace was corrupted. One day I go to fire up S32DS, and it loads perpetually. After reinstalling it I discovered that this happened only when opening the existing workspace. Since, I wanted to change the location of my workspace, I decided this is the time to migrate. I created a new workspace, and started to import projects...
I have never been able to seamlessly import a project. Is this normal? Even a project that I created on the same PC. In any case, what I found to be the solution was after importing an existing project into workspace I created a new project. I then copied over the contents of the .cproject file to the imported project. I then changed the names to the imported project names. This seems to be working for me, but it seems awfully complicated for something that must have been automated.
I see this error, which I suspect has something to do with the issue.
arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe: error: ,: No such file or directory
arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe: error: rdimon.specs: No such file or directory