I'm using MPC5744P PowerPc architecture uC for development. I'm trying to dump a small block of RAM after using Trace functions in uC/OS-III which is my main OS.
After I dump RAM, it seems like whole RAM is all zeros, but this is impossible.
Can you tell me what is the proper way to dump RAM as bin file?
P.S. I'm using PE Micro Multilink Universal programmer.
Thank you,
unfortunately, I do not know Trace functions in uC/OS-III, but S32DS has it's own method, how to dump memory.
In debug session, click Memory tab and choose export. Export memory menu will appear. Please see figure below:
Now choose the required format, address range and path and click OK File with memory dump will be created.
Please let me know if this solution is suitable for you.
Hello Martin, thank you for your answer and detailed explanation.
It is working.
I used the same principle, but it seems I chose the wrong export format, and some variables were reseted to zero due to some other functions, so I was getting a wrong data out. I'm using this for uC/OS-III Trace data export.
Thank you again.