Hi. recently,. I facing some problems.
1. I uninstall old S32 designe V1.1, but then i want to install again, it faces error "Error wrting LaunchAnyWhere components(Access Denied)".
2,. I install S32 designe V1.2 ,but it Show" slect another decompression catalog, can not decompression 。
Can you help me ?
ThankYou !
so - it's hard to say - but it looks like that some files are missing from your machine or you don't have rights to remove the files. Are you the user "d' ? The uninstaller for v1.1 is trying remove files for user "d".
About second question - I have no idea. May be you don't have "temp" folder on your machine and installer can't write temporary files. But I'm guessing only. Or again - you don't have correct rights to perform installation. Ask your IT team for help.