While working with S32DS, SDKs, plugins, files are getting scattered over your file system.
- archiving the project so modifications/updates can be made in a later stage.
- sharing the same project in a team.
What's the idea, way of working suggested by the S32DS architects here?
If you like to use version control like GIT or SVN with SDK based project you need to modify project xml file and change resources from Linked to Stand alone (by default SDK sources are linked). In standalone mode all source/header files are copied into project folder.
You may find helpful this howto: https://community.nxp.com/t5/S32-Design-Studio-Knowledge-Base/HOWTO-Use-SDK-based-example-code-as-st...
Looks like a good solution for processor expert and S32 DS 2018R1... But I'm using S32DS 3.2 and SDK configuration tools. Seems to use .mex files and don't seem to have the flag inside to switch to standalone mode.
Any other idea's?
Okay, I see. I'll try to figure out and let you know.