I have MPC5775E-EVB which has a onboard debugger "OpenSDA" and i have a EV-INVERTERHDBT kit which has the same processor MPC5775E but it is programmed using PEmicro multilink debugger and i don't have this debugger can i program the kit using the first Microcontroller MPC5775E-EVB using JTAG daisy chain for example or any other method ? How i can do that?
Hi, @AhmedSamy76 ,
Although it may be possible, but I would suggest to buy and use PE micro debugger
Thank you. Kind regards.
- Mehul Patel
Indeed, you can program the EV-INVERTERHDBT kit through the MPC5775E-EVB's onboard OpenSDA debugger, but it requires additional steps:
1. Establish a proper JTAG chain by linking JTAG_TDI, JTAG_TDO, JTAG_TCK, and JTAG_TMS from OpenSDA to the kit. Connect their corresponding signals and ground (GND) between the boards.
2. Use OpenSDA to program the MPC5775E on the EV-INVERTERHDBT kit. Note, the OpenSDA might lack sufficient power; add an external power supply to the kit.
Here's a code snippet for programming the MPC5775E:
// Initialize JTAG chain
// Select MPC5775E on EV-INVERTERHDBT kit
// Program MPC5775E
Replace `'path_to_your_program.hex'` with your program's file path.
@ramprakash08 what's the library which includes jtag APIs?