在图片中的 1 处,PE不参与编译;在 2 处报告变量没有定义,怀疑是因为包含此变量的 .h 文件不参与编译导致的
In your image, in box #1, the 'Generated_Code' folder appears disabled, which means that it is not included in the build. This folder contains the 'pin_mux.h' which provides the 'g_pin_mux_InitConfigArr' definition. It is also noticed that many folders have a copy with '.bak' added to the names. This indicates that a migration to a newer version of the S32 SDK was performed. Perhaps the conversion process is responsible for disabling the 'Generated_Code' folder. Perhaps using the 'Generate Processor Expert Code' button will enable the 'Generated_Code' folder and thus resolve the issue.
Best Regards,