Hello All,
I am getting an exception after the following steps:
1. After creating and building your project, navigate to Run -> Debug Configurations from the menu bar. 2. Select “GDB PEMicro Interface Debugging” from the left panel. Click on the New Launch Configuration button to create a debug configuration.
IDE : S32 Design Studio for ARM Version 2.2
"An error has occurred. See error log for more details.
java.lang.NullPointerException "
Can you please support?
The target is S32K144F512M15. I have also posted in PEmicro forum.
PEmicro | Experts in Embedded tools for Flash Programming and Development
Could you possibly post here the screenshot of the debugger configuration dialog in S32DS before you press Debug button?
Have you created your own debug configuration or you select an existing one?
Hello Sliva,
Please see the attachment. I am using the default set up. Steps as given below:
If you create a new project, does the same error occur? Please see the steps below: - Open S32 Design Studio for ARM Version 2.2 - Select the work space - Go to FIle --- New ---- Project... - In the New Project window --- Select wizard --- General --- Project --- Next - Give name of the project --- Finish - Select the option Flash from File (lightning symbol) - Flash configuration window appears with option 'GDB PEmicro Interface Debugging' and 'GDB Segger J-Link Debugging' - Right click on 'GDB PEmicro Interface Debugging' and give Add - Getting the exception "An error has occurred. See error log for more details. java.lang.NullPointerException "
you need to select S32DS Application (Library) project instead of General one.
Still the problem exist:
S32DS Application Library
S32DS Application project
what's your target MCU? Are is your project an example or your own one?