You have been redirected to this page because your ID is INACTIVE in Flexera. Please Activate your account to proceed. If you believe you have reached this page in error, please contact NXP® Technical Support.
My ID cannot download S32, My email is
Hi, I have the same problem here. Please, canyou reactivate my account?
Juan Cruz
Hi Mike,
Sorry but the problem persist. Punctually I want to download the LPCXpresso IDE and when I hit "donwload" the next page shows You have been redirected to this page because your ID is INACTIVE in Flexera. Please Activate your account to proceed.
If you believe you have reached this page in error, please contact NXP® Technical Support.
Best Regards,
This is a community to support S32 Design Studio. For support with LPCXpressio IDE, please submit a request on the MCUXpresso IDE community.
I just discovered that you have 2 accounts under your name. One was ACTIVE, the other was INACTIVE. I have reactivated the second one and you should not receive the error.
Best Regards,
I have just checked your account in Flexera. It seems your account is ACTIVE. Could you please try again? Perhaps another NXP support person has already reactivated your account.
Best Regards,
Hello mikedoidge,
I am getting the same problem. Can you please reactivate my account?
Thanks in advance
I have reactivated your account.
Best Regards,
Thank you :smileygrin:. I am able to download now.