I am using S32 design studio ide for mpc5748g controller programing.
Here I am facing issue of flash debugging, I could not able to debug in flash.
While ram debug option working fine.
Attached screenshot of issue which i have facing. let me know what could be the reason?
Rajani Sureja
Hi Rajani,
it looks that you are using old PE Micro plugin. Please update S3DS https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-342273 and try it again:
With latest version I have no issue on Linux host (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS)
Hi kral,
Thanks for quick replay.
I have Updated latest PE Micro plugin version( in S32 Design studio but still s32 flash debugging option not working.
I think flash memory is locked. so flash debugging option not working.
can you please give me suggestion to resolve this problem.
you can try PE Micro tool PROGPPCNEXUS to erase chip (unfortunately for windows only - but there is chance that this SW will work with Wine). You can find more details in this thread:
Hope it helps.
Hi kral,
I will be purchasing one "PEmicro USB-ML-UNIVERSAL" programmer to erase Dev mpc5748g board and after is there board is working fine or not? Please check below programmer link which is I will purchase it.
Programmer Board Link:-> http://www.pemicro.com/products/product_viewDetails.cfm?product_id=15320168&productTab=5
in my opinion debug probe doesn't solve your issue. MCU can be erased with existing OpenSDA interface. Just use steps described here - https://community.nxp.com/thread/494855
Thanks Jiri Kral, for resolved this problem.