Hello NXP ,
I would like to ask How can I use the Command Line Interface to Create the Blob Image from DS IVT Tool.
I tried following command, The command just open the Design Studio Tool and does nothing?
hello Pawan,
The command line instructions for all of the S32 Configuration Tools which support that are detailed within the S32 Configuration Tools Getting Started. You can locate it by: Help -> Help Contents, then look for the section shown here:
This image is taken from the S32 Design Studio v3.5.
Have a nice day
Hello Pawan Singh Rana,
please refer to following How To instructions:
Have a nice day
Best regards
Hello Palva,
Thanks for the Info,
I dont have any issues creating IVT from the Design Studio using GUI.
I am having issues if i use command line Interface as mentioned in my Initial Comment.