I configure both ATD0 and ATD1 in the same way from code ported from a system working with the MC9S12DP256. All the register settings were modified in the port according to guidance in the S12 / S12XE compatibility guide (AN3469) and the S12XE reference manual (MC9S12XEP100RMV1). Signals connected to ATD0 inputs all result in expected A/D conversion values. Nothing connected to ATD1 inputs comes close to correct. In fact, all inputs yield a very similar result, a little less that the midrange of 10-bit, regardless of the voltage level of the input signal (5V A/D reference, inputs of 4.1V, 2.5V, ground, and floating open).
Solved! Go to Solution.
Thanks for the help, but my local FAE pointed out that the 112-pin package I am using for this part doesn't bond out ATD1. All 16 inputs are now connected only to ATD0.
try the below ATD1 init function. There is PLL init function as well at the end.
void init_ATD1(void)
ATD1CTL1 = 0B01010000; // ATD Control register 1
// Bit 7 = External trigger source select - 0 is an A to D channel
// Bit 6,5 = A/D resolution select - '10' is 12 bit
// Bit 4 = Discharge before sampling bit - enabled
// Bit 3,2,1,0 = External trigger channel select - 0 (with bit 7) is AN0
ATD1CTL2 = 0B00000000; // ATD Control register 2
// ICLKSTP set, allows A to D clock to run in stop. ATD Compare interrupt enabled */
// Bit 7 = Not Implemented
// Bit 6 = ATD Fast Flag Clear all - disabled
// Bit 5 = Internal clock in stop mode - disabled
// Bit 4 = External trigger level / edge control - not relevant
// Bit 3 = External trigger polarity - not relevant
// Bit 2 = External trigger mode enable - disabled
// Bit 1 = ATD Complete interrupt enable - disabled
// Bit 0 = ATD Compare interrupt enable - disabled
ATD1CTL3 = 0B10000010; // ATD Control register 3
// Bit 7 = DJM (Data Justification) - 0/1 is left/right justified
// Bit 6,5,4,3 = Conversion sequence length - '0000' (16 conversions / sequence)
// Bit 2 = result register FIFO mode - 0 for non-fifo
// Bit 1,0 = Background debug freeze enable - '10' finish current conversion then freeze
#if PLL==1
ATD1CTL4 = 0x02; // ATD Control register 4
// Bit 7,6,5 = Sample time select - '000' is 4 ATD clock cycles
// Bit 4,3,2,1,0 = ATD Clock prescaler - '00010' clk freq = fbus/(2*(2+1)) = 50MHz/(2*(2+1) = 8.33 MHz #else
ATD1CTL4 = 0x00; // ATD Control register 4
// Bit 7,6,5 = Sample time select - '000' is 4 ATD clock cycles
// Bit 4,3,2,1,0 = ATD Clock prescaler - '00000' clk freq = fbus/(2*(0+1)) = 8MHz/(2*(0+1)) = 4 MHz #endif
ATD1DIEN = 0x0000; // ATD Input enable register
// Bit 15 - 0 = ATD digital input enable on channel n - (not enabled on any channel)
ATD1CMPE = 0x0000; // ATD Compare enable register
// Bit 15 - 0 = Compare enable for conversion number n
ATD1CMPHT = 0x0000; // ATD compare higher than register
// Bit 15 - 0 = compare operation higher than enable for conversion number n - (compare if higher than for n = 0)
ATD1CTL5 = 0B00110000;// ATD Control register 5 (Write clears conversion complete flag in ATD1STAT2)
// Special channel conversion disabled, continuous conversion enabled, multi mode disabled. Lower nibble sets channel 0 */
// Bit 7 = Not implemented
// Bit 6 = Special channel conversion bit - disabled?
// Bit 5 = SCAN (Continuous conversion sequence mode) - enabled
// Bit 4 = Multi channel sample mode - enabled
// Bit 3,2,1,0 = Analog input channel select code - '0000' is AN0
void init_PLL(UBYTE _synr, UBYTE _refdv,UBYTE _postdiv) {
PLLCTL = 0B00000001; // clock monitor - off
// PLL - off
// VCO modulation 00-Off,01-1%,10-2%, 11-4%
// fast wake up - off
// RTI - off
// COP - off
// SCM - on
CLKSEL = 0B00100011; // clock = OSCCLK
// pseudo stop - off
// external clock used (canned oscillator)
// 0
// PLL in wait mode - on
// 0
// RTI in wait - off
// COP in wait - off
SYNR = _synr ;
REFDV = _refdv;
POSTDIV = _postdiv;
PLLCTL_PLLON = 1; // PLL - on
PLLCTL_CME = 1; // clock monitor - on
while(!CRGFLG_LOCK); // Wait till the PLL VCO is within tolerance
CLKSEL_PLLSEL = 1; // Select clock source from PLLCLK
Thanks for the help, but my local FAE pointed out that the 112-pin package I am using for this part doesn't bond out ATD1. All 16 inputs are now connected only to ATD0.