Hello everyone, could someone help me fix this song code? I use D-Bug12 on a HC9S12 Minidragon+. This is an example code from the Han-Way Huang Interfacing book. The first note is in an infinite loop. Thanks.
TSCR1 equ $0046
TSCR2 equ $004D
TIOS equ $0040
TCNT equ $0044
TCTL1 equ $0048
TC5 equ $005A
TIE equ $004C
TC0 equ $0050
TFLG1 equ $004E
OC5 equ $20
UserTimerCh5 equ $3E64
OC4 equ $10
OC0 equ $00
DDRB equ $0003
G3 equ 7653 ; delay count to generate G3 note (with 1:8 prescaler)
B3 equ 6074 ; delay count to generate B3 note (with 1:8 prescaler)
C4 equ 5733 ; delay count to generate C4 note (with 1:8 prescaler)
C4S equ 5412 ; delay count to generate C4S note
D4 equ 5108 ;;;;;;experiment; delay count to generate D4 note (with 1:8 prescaler)
E4 equ 4551 ; delay count to generate E4 note (with 1:8 prescaler)
F4 equ 4295 ; delay count to generate F4 note (with 1:8 prescaler)
F4S equ 4054 ; delay count to generate F4S note (with 1:8 prescaler)
G4 equ 3827 ; delay count to generate G4 note (with 1:8 prescaler)
A4 equ 3409 ; delay count to generate A4 note (with 1:8 prescaler)
B4F equ 3218 ; delay count to generate B4F note (with 1:8 prescaler)
B4 equ 3037 ; delay count to generate B4 note (with 1:8 prescaler)
C5 equ 2867 ; delay count to generate C5 note (with 1:8 prescaler)
D5 equ 2554 ; delay count to generate D5 note (with 1:8 prescaler)
E5 equ 2275 ; delay count to generate E5 note (with 1:8 prescaler)
F5 equ 2148 ; delay count to generate F5 note (with 1:8 prescaler)
ZZ equ 20 ; delay count to generate an inaudible note
notes equ 118
toggle equ $04 ; value to toggle the TC5 pin
org $1000
delay dw 1 ; store the delay for output compare operation
rep_cnt db 1 ; repeat the song this many times
ip db 1 ; remaining notes to be played
org $1500
; establish the SRAM vector address for OC5
lds #$1500
movw #oc5_isr,UserTimerCh5
;movb #$0000,delay
;movb #$FF,DDRB
movb #$90,TSCR1 ; enable TCNT, fast timer flag clear
movb #$03,TSCR2 ; set main timer prescaler to 8
bset TIOS,OC5 ; enable OC5
movb #toggle,TCTL1 ; select toggle for OC5 pin action
ldx #score ; use as a pointer to score table
ldy duration,delay ; points to duration table
movb #1,rep_cnt ; play the song twice
movb #notes,ip
movw 2,x+,delay ; start with 0th note
ldd TCNT ; play the first note
addd delay ; "
std TC5 ; "
bset TIE,OC5 ; enable OC5 interrupt
cli ; "
forever pshy ; save duration table pointer in stack
ldy 0,y ; get the duration of the current note
jsr delayby10ms ; "
puly ; get the duration pointer from stack
iny ; move the duration pointer
iny ; "
ldd 2,x+ ; get the next note, move pointer
std delay ; "
dec ip
bne forever
dec rep_cnt
beq done ; if not finished playing, re-establish
ldx #score ; pointers and loop count
ldy #duration ; "
movb #notes,ip ; "
movw 0,x,delay ; get the first note delay count
ldd TCNT ; play the first note
addd delay ; "
std TC5
bra forever
done swi
; *******************************************************************************************
; The OC5 interrupt service routine simply starts a new OC5 operation.
; *******************************************************************************************
oc5_isr ldd TC5
addd delay
std TC5
; *******************************************************************************************
; The following subroutine creates a time delay which is equal to [Y] times
; 10 ms. The timer prescaler is 1:8.
; *******************************************************************************************
bset TIOS,OC0 ; enable OC0
ldd TCNT
again1 addd #30000 ; start an output compare operation
std TC0 ; with 10-ms time delay ;0
brclr tflg1,$01,* ;brclr
ldd TC0 ;0
dbne y,again1
bclr TIOS,OC0 ; disable OC0
; ***********************************************************************************************
; This table determines the frequency of each note.
; ***********************************************************************************************
score dw D4,B3,G3,B3,D4,G4,B4,A4,G4,B3,C4S
dw D4,ZZ,D4,ZZ,D4,B4,A4,G4,F4S,E4,F4S,G4,ZZ,G4,D4,B3,G3
dw D4,B3,G3,B3,D4,G4,B4,A4,G4,B3,C4S,D4,ZZ,D4,ZZ,D4
dw B4,A4,G4,F4S,E4,F4S,G4,ZZ,G4,D4,B3,G3,B4,ZZ,B4
dw B4,C5,D5,ZZ,D5,C5,B4,A4,B4,C5,ZZ,C5,ZZ,C5,B4,A4,G4
dw F4S,E4,F4S,G4,B3,C4S,D4,ZZ,D4,G4,ZZ,G4,ZZ,G4,F4S
dw E4,ZZ,E4,ZZ,E4,A4,C5,B4,A4,G4,ZZ,G4,F4S,D4,ZZ,D4
dw G4,A4,B4,C5,D5,G4,A4,B4,C5,A4,G4
; ***********************************************************************************************
; Each of the following entries multiplied by 10 ms gives the duration of a note.
; ***********************************************************************************************
dw 30,10,40,40,40,80,30,10,40,40,40
dw 80, 3,20,3,20,60,20,40,80,20,20,40,3,40,40,40,40
dw 30,10,40,40,40,80,30,10,40,40,40,80,3,20,3,20
dw 60,20,40,80,20,20,40,3,40,40,40,40,20,3,20
dw 40,40,40,3,80,20,20,40,40,40,3,80,3,40,60,20,40
dw 80,20,20,40,40,40,80,3,40,40,3,40,3,20,20
dw 40, 3,40,3,40,40,20,20,20,20,3,40,40,20,3,20
dw 60,20,20,20,80,20,20,60,20,40,80
How are you setting up interrupts? What compiler are you using?
I am just an ameture. Interupts are my weakest subject. I use asmide.
The code provided uses an interrupt. service routine You must make sure that the the address of this interrupt service routine ends up at the correct place in the interrupt vector table. How this is done for your particular IDE, I don't know.
Well embarassingly after the third time looking at it, I believe the errors were due to my self-sabotage. Perhaps choosing address instead of constant for duration. It is shamefull that I don't know how I fixed it. For anyone interested, here it is:
TSCR1 equ $0046
TSCR2 equ $004D
TIOS equ $0040
TCNT equ $0044
TCTL1 equ $0048
TC5 equ $005A
TIE equ $004C
TC0 equ $0050
TFLG1 equ $004E
OC5 equ $20
UserTimerCh5 equ $3E64
OC4 equ $10
OC0 equ $00
DDRB equ $0003
G3 equ 7653 ; delay count to generate G3 note (with 1:8 prescaler)
B3 equ 6074 ; delay count to generate B3 note (with 1:8 prescaler)
C4 equ 5733 ; delay count to generate C4 note (with 1:8 prescaler)
C4S equ 5412 ; delay count to generate C4S note
D4 equ 5108 ;;;;;;experiment; delay count to generate D4 note (with 1:8 prescaler)
E4 equ 4551 ; delay count to generate E4 note (with 1:8 prescaler)
F4 equ 4295 ; delay count to generate F4 note (with 1:8 prescaler)
F4S equ 4054 ; delay count to generate F4S note (with 1:8 prescaler)
G4 equ 3827 ; delay count to generate G4 note (with 1:8 prescaler)
A4 equ 3409 ; delay count to generate A4 note (with 1:8 prescaler)
B4F equ 3218 ; delay count to generate B4F note (with 1:8 prescaler)
B4 equ 3037 ; delay count to generate B4 note (with 1:8 prescaler)
C5 equ 2867 ; delay count to generate C5 note (with 1:8 prescaler)
D5 equ 2554 ; delay count to generate D5 note (with 1:8 prescaler)
E5 equ 2275 ; delay count to generate E5 note (with 1:8 prescaler)
F5 equ 2148 ; delay count to generate F5 note (with 1:8 prescaler)
ZZ equ 20 ; delay count to generate an inaudible note
notes equ 118
toggle equ $04 ; value to toggle the TC5 pin
org $1000
delay dw 1 ; store the delay for output compare operation
rep_cnt db 1 ; repeat the song this many times
ip db 1 ; remaining notes to be played
org $1500
; establish the SRAM vector address for OC5
lds #$1500
movw #oc5_isr,UserTimerCh5
;movb #$0000,delay
;movb #$FF,DDRB
movb #$90,TSCR1 ; enable TCNT, fast timer flag clear
movb #$03,TSCR2 ; set main timer prescaler to 8
bset TIOS,OC5 ; enable OC5
movb #toggle,TCTL1 ; select toggle for OC5 pin action
ldx #score ; use as a pointer to score table
ldy #duration,delay ; points to duration table
movb #1,rep_cnt ; play the song twice
movb #notes,ip
movw 2,x+,delay ; start with 0th note
ldd TCNT ; play the first note
addd delay ; "
std TC5 ; "
bset TIE,OC5 ; enable OC5 interrupt
cli ; "
forever pshy ; save duration table pointer in stack
ldy 0,y ; get the duration of the current note
jsr delayby10ms ; "
puly ; get the duration pointer from stack
iny ; move the duration pointer
iny ; "
ldd 2,x+ ; get the next note, move pointer
std delay ; "
dec ip
bne forever
dec rep_cnt
beq done ; if not finished playing, re-establish
ldx #score ; pointers and loop count
ldy #duration ; "
movb #notes,ip ; "
movw 0,x,delay ; get the first note delay count
ldd TCNT ; play the first note
addd delay ; "
std TC5
bra forever
done swi
; *******************************************************************************************
; The OC5 interrupt service routine simply starts a new OC5 operation.
; *******************************************************************************************
oc5_isr ldd TC5
addd delay
std TC5
; *******************************************************************************************
; The following subroutine creates a time delay which is equal to [Y] times
; 10 ms. The timer prescaler is 1:8.
; *******************************************************************************************
bset TIOS,$01 ; enable OC0
ldd TCNT
again1 addd #30000 ; start an output compare operation
std TC0 ; with 10-ms time delay ;0
brclr tflg1,$01,* ;brclr
ldd TC0 ;0
dbne y,again1
bclr TIOS,$01 ; disable OC0
; ***********************************************************************************************
; This table determines the frequency of each note.
; ***********************************************************************************************
score dw D4,B3,G3,B3,D4,G4,B4,A4,G4,B3,C4S
dw D4,ZZ,D4,ZZ,D4,B4,A4,G4,F4S,E4,F4S,G4,ZZ,G4,D4,B3,G3
dw D4,B3,G3,B3,D4,G4,B4,A4,G4,B3,C4S,D4,ZZ,D4,ZZ,D4
dw B4,A4,G4,F4S,E4,F4S,G4,ZZ,G4,D4,B3,G3,B4,ZZ,B4
dw B4,C5,D5,ZZ,D5,C5,B4,A4,B4,C5,ZZ,C5,ZZ,C5,B4,A4,G4
dw F4S,E4,F4S,G4,B3,C4S,D4,ZZ,D4,G4,ZZ,G4,ZZ,G4,F4S
dw E4,ZZ,E4,ZZ,E4,A4,C5,B4,A4,G4,ZZ,G4,F4S,D4,ZZ,D4
dw G4,A4,B4,C5,D5,G4,A4,B4,C5,A4,G4
; ***********************************************************************************************
; Each of the following entries multiplied by 10 ms gives the duration of a note.
; ***********************************************************************************************
dw 30,10,40,40,40,80,30,10,40,40,40
dw 80, 3,20,3,20,60,20,40,80,20,20,40,3,40,40,40,40
dw 30,10,40,40,40,80,30,10,40,40,40,80,3,20,3,20
dw 60,20,40,80,20,20,40,3,40,40,40,40,20,3,20
dw 40,40,40,3,80,20,20,40,40,40,3,80,3,40,60,20,40
dw 80,20,20,40,40,40,80,3,40,40,3,40,3,20,20
dw 40, 3,40,3,40,40,20,20,20,20,3,40,40,20,3,20
dw 60,20,20,20,80,20,20,60,20,40,80