I'm experiencing some troubles with S12UB (product codes: LFEBS12UB and LFEBS12UBLAB).
The stand-alone kit, provide 21 labs, to get started with 9S12 architcture.
The first lab (attached) just provide the basic information to connect the debug12 module with the PC through HyperTerminal. I follow all instructions (baud=9600, 8 bits data, no parity, 1 stop bit, xon/xoff etc.), but instead of visualizing the d-bug12 bootloader, i just recive from serial port random ASCII characters.
I tried to change baud, connect in different ways the MODE pins, but i always get the same problem.
i don't have a serial port on my PC, but i emulate it wit a prolific USB-to-Serial properly configured.
I also don't have no idea, about what pin i have to connect with jumpers (if i have to do it).
Is there some specific instruction manual for S12UB?
Is it possible that data in FLASH/EEPROM memory are corrupted? how can i do to rewrite the d-bug12 program in the uC?
I did the first 17 labs with this S12UB board but the Lab 18 says that is unfinished and under development. Is there any way to obtain this lab? Thx! iggi
Issue resolved by distributor replacing the board.