Newbie Flash Programming Question

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Newbie Flash Programming Question

Contributor I
Hi everyone,

I have a CSM12C32 kit and a working assembly program written for the kit in CodeWarrior. I am totally new to Freescale products and I cannot make it work.

My steps:
1. I have installed AxIDE and CodeWarrior v3.1.
2. Created a new project in CW and selected Full Simulation(I think this part might be wrong too).
3. Compiled (with no errors)
4. Tryed AxIDE to burn the s19 file.
At point 4, AxIDE does not find the board. It is connected through the serial port of the computer. I know the serial port is working and the power is connected.
I noticed that the SerialMonitor does not come up when I connect the board to AxIDE. I am wondering if the board flash memory has been erased.

My goal is to write a compiled version of the assembly program into the board flash memory so that the board will always start running the same program at boot.

I am sure I am missing something small, but the kit documentation really does not help.

Thanks in advance,

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3 Replies

Specialist I
Just because the serial port worked with another board is no guarantee that it is working with this board. Put another way, the serial port may be working fine, but it may not be communicating with the new board. Again, with the board cabled to the computer, when you power the board up, are you getting some sort of message from the board?

Have you tried compiling an example program and downloading it? I don't know anything about axIDE. It sounds like you have a configuration problem if the build is not working.

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Specialist I
I'm not familiar with that board, but here's some ideas...

1) Are you certain that the serial connection between the board and the computer is working? Usually when the board powers up, the serial monitor will fire out a greetings banner with a version number. The board's documentation should tell you the default data rate. Power up the board and monitor the PC's serial port with HyperTerminal or similar terminal program. If you don't see that banner, the serial connection is bad, somehow.

2) Have you checked to ensure that the board jumpers are set correctly? That is, the board is going to be in the debug mode as opposed to the stand-alone mode, and that the serial port will be used for debug communications?


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Contributor I
The jumpers on the board are only for setting up the LEDs and Switches. I know the serial port is working because I used the same system with another microcontroller.
I don't understand the logic in AxIDE. What is the difference between Upload File and Program? What is the use of Build if it does not support basic include directives? Also, the drop-down menu where I have to select the development board does not show my board CSM-12C32. They have one similar CML-12C32.
I think Freescale CSM-12C32 kit is not a ready to use kit, maybe it requires to buy another board, or maybe they sent me the wrong AxIDE.


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