Refer to the speck on LIN Phy in electrical section of S12ZVL reference manual. There are two specks:
1. Maximum capacitance allowed on slave node including external components Nominal 220 pF
Max 250 pF
2.Capacitance of the LIN pin, Recessive state Nominal 20 pF
Max 45 pF
There is a confusion weather 220pF can be used as 220+45 = 265 pF. This value is more than 250pF allowed...
Please clarify...
Rajiv Bandodkar.
Thanks, clear,
Rajiv Bandodkar.
The capacitance of the slave node defines the total node capacitance at the connector of the slave unit including the physical bus driver (Transceiver) and all other components applied to the LIN bus pin like capacitors or protection circuitry.
In other words, C_slave (250pF) is maximal capacitance of the slave node, which includes capacitance of the LIN pin (45pF max) and the rest (205pF) is left for a protection circuitry etc.