Help required in unsecuring MC9S12XDT512 Smart Car Kit

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Help required in unsecuring MC9S12XDT512 Smart Car Kit

Contributor I
I am a student working on Freescale Smart Car kit (MC9S12XDT512 with PBMCUSLK). I am facing problem described as followed:
1. My code is being compiled and linked successfully. But on debugging the code with P&E Multilink Cyclo, it prompts an error "Failed to communicate at given speed" and fails to connect to the target.
2. On further checking the problem, it prompts "derivative is incorrect or target is secured". I check that derivative MC9S12XDT512 is selected correctly in true simulator setting of select the derivative. 
3. So I tried unsecuring the device. By choosing Unsecure... option. It first asks IO count which depends on oscillator frequency. Oscillator of 4 MHz is on the PCB so I choose 49 [(200/4 mhz) -1] as input to IO Count. Then it prompts about the Bus frequency which I am unclear of so I have tried all option from 16 Mhz to 1 Mhz, but in the end for all permutation it"Target could NOT be unsecured, and command file is missing or disabled". I checked the setting for Command file..., all files are referenced properly in the ./cmd folder.
4. We have spare MC9S12XDT512 but not connected to the smart car kit. And the code is compiling, linking and also loading on uC successfully.
So I fear that the Kit I am working has been secured, can u help me unsecure it, if that is actual problem.
Thanks in advance.
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3 Replies

Specialist I

If you haven't tried Unsecure_12 tool from P&E, then you should download it from If it doesn't help, then chances are your MCU or multilink got damaged. You could check if you see some activity on BKGD and /RESET pins when trying to unsecure.

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Contributor I

Thank you very much for your help.

 I installed the Unsecure_12 tool with 

Interface: USB HC08/HC!2 Multilink -USB Port

Port: USB!: USB ML -12 MCUSLK (pemicro -shared)

Oscillator frequency: 4 Mhz


On pressing Unsecure it gave me the following message:

Interface Cable Detected

Searching for Interface Speed .............

ERROR - Communication with target.

Appropriate interface speed not found.


So it was not unsecured


I checked BKGD and /RESET pin both on Multilink & on MCU and it showed activity on Oscilloscpe (in the form of Jitters) 


The chip is warming up, but appropirate voltage (5v) is powering the MCU.


Can you guide us further action? We were thinking of using Flash Programmer to unsecure it.

We have AVR & PIC flash programmer avialable and we are not sure if it is compatible with this kit.

If these flash programmer can be use, can you guide us with the procedure and connection to be made to use the flash to program the smart car.


Thanks once again.



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Specialist I

Chip should be cold. Probably it is damaged.

What is "in the form of jitters"? Do you see clean 0 <-> 5V transitions? Falling edges should be clean and sharp. Rising edges  on BKGD may be little round, but it should not oscilate at some middle level, alvays full 5<->0V hi to lo or lo to high transitions.

Try checking voltages on VDD1, VDD2 and VDDPLL pins. They must be not 5V, but about 2.5.


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