Thanks for the reply.
Could you please help me out with the steps that are needed to
run flexray demo code on SK-S12XDP512-A and (FRDC) FLXRAYIPMFR4300?
I guess this would be also helpful for all people who deal with flexray boards.
Please correct my list of steps:
1. Attach each FRDC to its SK-S12XDP512-A.
2. Connect flexray channel connector FR1 on the first FRDC
to the other FR1 on the other FRDC using two wires.
3. FDRC Jumpers: all jumpers are on except:
JG1 set to +5V,
JG14 and JG15 set to connect pins 1 and 2
4. FDRC DIP switches:
SW1: Need to activate Hardware Reset
1 - off // Ext. reset
2 - off // Ext. reset. This duplictaes the switch 1???
3 - ON // Hardware reset
4 - off // Manual reset
SW2: Need to select S12 synchronous memory interface:
1 - off // IF_SEL1 high is off
2 - ON // IF_SEL1 low is on, IF_SEL1=LOW
3 - off // CHICLK_CC high is off
4 - ON // CHICLK_CC low is on, dont care about CHICLK_CC
5 - ON // IF_SEL0 high is on
6 - off // IF_SEL0 low is off, IF_SEL1=HIGH
7 - off // Unconncted
8 - off // dont care about CHICLK_EN
SW3: We don't need to set up clock output, so don't care about these
1 - off // DBG2/CLK_S0 high is off
2 - ON // DBG2/CLK_S0 low is on
3 - off // BSEL1#/DBG0/CLK_S1 high is off
4 - ON // BSEL1#/DBG0/CLK_S1 low is on
5 - off // BSEL0#/DBG1/CLK_S0 high is off
6 - ON // BSEL0#/DBG1/CLK_S0 low is on
7 - off // DBG3/CLK_S1/BGE2 high is off
8 - ON // DBG3/CLK_S1/BGE2 high is on
5. Install CodeWarrior
6. Install CW Components v4.5
7. Complile and program the available demo project
cfg1_node1.mcp for the first boards.
8. Complile and program the available demo project
cfg1_node2.mcp for the second boards.
I guess at this point we should be to detect flexray messages
in the static segment by using a scope on the FR connectors.
I saw just both lines on FR connector were high.
When I modified the code in order to read a version register MVR,
the returned value was 0x1F1F instead of 0x3535.
Thank you,