I see PCF2123 RTC functions are described in the SDK API, but there is not an object available on the on line IDE.
Is there a plan to implement the RTC object ?
Well, as you mentioned I only see an element for RTC is DS1307, not sure if any plan to add element &demo for PCF2123. I will check with the IOT team.
All hands raising in order to add element and demo example for RTC PCF2123.
- normal user expectation - all on board parts should be supported for such an eenviroments like Athmosphere
- even OOB demo shows wrong time and app don't allow to setup properly
- example how to handle in simple app would be highly appreciated
It already makes a lot of sense, also please take care about SDK SPI driver availability when user wants to still on MCUXpresso level and NOT to use Athmosphere because of autonomous application.
I like all the approach you already did, want to utilize RapiD Iot kit with well tuned software and low power optimalization in different applications.
Kind Regards
I was just shown that Atmosphere provide a way to create your own elements, as described here Importing Elements .
On top of that I was told the RTC element is used by the OOB demo somehow - however I do not understand how the code was developed then.
Please let me know what EVK board you mentioned?
In the rapid iot studio ide on-line
there is no PCF2123 "item"
However the functions are available in the MCUXpresso SDK, according to the API SDK user manual