Rapid-IoT Users,
Please find enclosed example projects. See below the different projects included. Here is the procedure to import those project into MCUXpresso.
This is not an SDK package, you do not want to install this package as a classical SDK.
- Download RAPID-IOT-EXAMPLES package included below.
- Extract the package on your hard drive.
- Open MCUXpresso IDE.
- Import project(s) from the file system.
- Enter the path of your unpacked package, root directory option.
- Untick "Copy projects into workspace" option Select project(s) you want to import
Sources of projects can be found under the path: "boards\rapidiotk64f\demo_apps"
Display accelerometer information on Rapid-IoT display at regular intervals.
Learn How To :
Instantiate a sensor
Create a basic UI and use display
Display gyroscope and accelerometer information on Rapid-IoT display at regular intervals.
Learn How To:
Instantiate sensor
Create a basic UI and use display
Manage interrupts linked to button and touch
Record time stamps for falls and shocks in the NFC tags. The use case is logistic/asset tracking.
Learn How To:
Display temperature and humidity information collected by kit and send them over BLE to a smartphone.
Learn How To:
Change LED state color and intensity over BLE
Learn How To:
Display temperature, humidity, air pressure and light information collected on kit on a mobile phone via BLE.
Learn How To:
Develop a full product from IoT to cloud including security
Have a view on the cloud mobile app. Code
Have a view on the cloud and web UI related codes.
I have downloaded the examples. But when compiling I get the error that many of the libraries are missing. The libraries seem to be in the kit original SDK, but somehow they are not imported by MCUXpresso when creating the project. What can be done to solve this ?
Thank you.
To have a better tracking of this and better communication could you please post it in a new thread ?