Do you have a procedure/document to explain how to efficiently create a RCW binary for our custom board with the LSDK 18.06 build system ? I have found some information for doing this on the SDK 2.0 but it isn't exactly the same with flexbuild...
We will not be using the same Serdes Modes as on the LS1043a-RDB board so we will need to create a new folder tree (not simply modify the files under "...rcw/ls1043ardb/RR_FQPP_1455/"
Hello frank_o,
Please go to flexbuild build folder, please execute the following commands
$ flex-builder -c rcw -m ls1043ardb
Please go to RCW source code folder flexbuild/packages/firmware/rcw/ls1043ardb/RR_FQPP_1455, please modify RCW fields definition in *.rcw file according to your requirement, for example modifying SRDS_PRTCL_S1 in rcw_1600.rcw according to your target board.
Then execute the following command to generate RCW binary files again.
$ flex-builder -c rcw -m ls1043ardb
Have a great day,
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Good day Yiping Wang and thanks for your reply.
We have found the procedure to rebuild the RCW files from the flexbuild READme file. Our challenge as described in my original post is that we will need to configure the SerDes in a different mode then the A-RDB board.
Our SerDes mode will not be 1455, so we wand to fork the folder "ls1043ardb/RR_FQPP_1455" to a new one. So our question is:
Is it sufficient to simply copy the original folder ""ls1043ardb/RR_FQPP_1455" " to a new folder under "ls1043ardb/XX_YYYY_3460/" and modify the files accordingly and re-run "$ flex-builder -c rcw -m ls1043ardb" ??
As an example for the linux Kernel component, there is the option to do flex-build -m ls1043a -c linux:custom to create a custom configuration file; but such command as no effect for component RCW.
Hello Frank,
It is sufficient to create a new folder under flexbuild/packages/firmware/rcw/ls1043ardb/.
Have a great day,
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