We are trying to boot a T1042 using i2c for the RCW, and NOR flash for the boot instruction.
It seems that we can read the RCW using i2c, but we don't see any activity on the IFC CS0, so we are wondering if there is something that we aren't setting up either in the RCW, or maybe with PBL instructions.
On the ARM LS1048, it assumed that both would be from the same memory, so we had to set up the IFC in the PBL, including setting the boot address.
Boot source is directly defined by RCW[BOOT_LOC] regardless of the RCW source. If BOOT_LOC is set to IFC and RCW source is set to I2C, the IFC CS0 port configuration as defined by RCW[IFC_MODE]. Please check that.