We are having an issue programming a VxWorks Boatloader into a P4080DS reference board. We are using UBOOT and ftp to transfer the file to memory, then using UBOOT command line to erase and program the FLASH.
We have noticed that the status LEDS on the motherboard differ when successfully booting a UBOOT bank vs. unsuccessfully attempting to boot a non-working VXW bank.
I am trying to dig up as much information as I can about how the LEDs are used, in hopes that they might provide a clue. I have searched the doc set that came with the delivery, best I can find is a PIXUS registers that can be set to control some (but not all) of the LEDs. I am unable to find any documentation that describes when the LEDs are set, by whom, and what the on, off, and blinking state for each LED means.
If you can point me in the right direction, please help.
Most probable cause of the described issue is erased RCW during the VxWorks image programming.
Please discuss the issue with VxWorks to check that you are using the latest recommended programming sequence and image.
In case the board recover is needed please use pre-built complete NOR Flash image provided in the "QorIQ Linux SDK v2.0 PPCE500MC IMAGE.iso" available for download here: