Occasionally, one may want to change the root filesystem, and then rebuild the image using Yocto as per the standard SDK. The SDK manual, goes through the steps necessary in Chapter 2 of the QorIQ_SDK_Infocenter.pdf document.
In the following examples I assume you've already installed the SDK, and set up the host environment. I also assume you compiled an image once already, and through doing so have already run the fsl-setup-poky script. I'm using a P3041DS system, and in my case, the first thing I ran to set up my build was:
source ./fsl-setup-poky -m p3041ds -j 4 -t 4
As a first example, on my P3041DS system I am using fm1-gb4 as my ethernet port. I want to assign it the static address of In order to do so, I need to create my own /etc/network/interfaces file to implement this function:
cd <yocto_install_path>
bitbake -c cleansstate netbase
Then go into the netbase folder:
cd meta-fsl-ppc/recipes-append/netbase/files
Within this directory, I create an interfaces file for my target:
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
iface fm1-gb4 inet static
At this point, I just rebuild my image:
bitbake fsl-image-core
And the network definitions will be installed. (note that I'm building fsl-image-core, but you could build whatever target you're currently using, i.e. fsl-image-minimal)
As a second example, I wish to add a pre-build binary (custom application) into the rootfs. In this example I have an custom application, mr_access that I want to install into /usr
cd <yocto_install_path>
Then add the files:
cd meta-fsl-ppc-private/recipes-tools/merge-files
Now, put the files into files/merge. I added mr_access into files/merge/usr
Build the new rootfs image:
bitbake fsl-image-core
Thanks for the guide. Very helpful indeed.
I notice there 2 directories: meta-fsl-ppc and meta-fsl-ppc-private. I suppose these 2 are called 'layers' in yocto terms? What is the difference between these 2 directories by the way?