Why is there no PE_NOP() before calling FTFA_PDD_DisableInterrupts?

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Why is there no PE_NOP() before calling FTFA_PDD_DisableInterrupts?

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi team,

Customer reported me Flash complete event was not called correctly. I investigated this issue then I found no PE_NOP function before service routine call.

In the case of FTFE or FTFL, 3 PE_NOP() functions are added before PDD_DisableInterrupts() function. However, in the case of FTFA, there is no PE_NOP().

Why does PE generate PE_NOP() in flash_ldd code of FTFE and FTFL? And why does PE not generate PE_NOP() in the code of FTFA?

Is there possibility that the issue Flash command complete interrupt isn't called occurs?

**     Processor   : MK22FN256VDC12

**     Component   : FLASH_LDD

**     Version     : Component 01.106, Driver 01.15, CPU db: 3.00.000

Best Regards,

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1 Reply

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Hiroki,

Could you send me a project where the PE_NOP() is generated before PDD_DisableInterrupts() function? I am not able to reproduce the issue in KDS 3.0.0 (I have used the same version of the component and driver). There is not any PE_NOP() call in the FLASH_LDD driver for FTFE too (e.g. FTFE of the MK64FN1M0VLQ12 derivative).

Why the PE_NOP() must be called before PDD_DisableInterrupts() function? Could you describe the reason, please?

Best Regards,

Marek Neuzil

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