Hello. I'm using CW.10.6 with PE on K20 device. I'm trying to set a 2 channel PWM in Complimentary mode. As I understand, the right component in PE should be Init_FTM. But it doesn't have any user interface, except initialization function of the module. As minimum, I need enable and disable functions, to start and stop the outputs generation.
The other option is to use two PWM components, but I don't see a easy way to command them in synchronous way (start/stop the outputs).
Did I miss something in PE?
Sorry, but have you read my post at all?
I know how to use Init_FTM, but it's just an initialization function, without any interface. It's just start the module with predefined settings. There is no functions to stop/start and reconfigure the module, to catch events and etc. There is another higher level driver which is called PWM, but it doesn't support multichannel PWMs.
Anyway, a have written the code by myself. But it will be good to think about this in future releases of PE software.
I am sorry if I was not clear at the first place. Please see the sanpshots of the project attached in the previous reply. I have also attached the basic project. I dont know how you are using Init_FTM, but in my case I can configure PWMs in Complementary mode as well access the basic FTM functions.
Please let us know if any confusion still remains.