This feature is supported within EnableAutoCompare/DisableAutoCompare methods. You can also use the corresponding PDD macros (ADC_PDD_SetCompareValue1Raw, ADC_PDD_SetCompareValue2Raw, ADC_PDD_SetCompareFunction).
To get these methods visible is necessary to switch to the Expert visibility mode in upper part of Component Inspector view.
could you please point me to the section in RM that describes this feature? As far as I know that ADC device does not support such functionality but maybe I am missing something.
best regards
Vojtech Filip
Processor Expert Support Team
You can find it in all the reference manuals (K10-K70). In the K10P81M100SF2RM, you can see it in Figure 32-1, as the "compare logic" at the bottom of the image. These are described in section 32.3.5. The ACFE, ACFGT and ACREN bits in ADCx_SC2 turn on and off the compare functions of the part (32.3.6).
The operation is described in 32.4.6. The COCO only is triggered if the compare condition is true.
Josh E
This feature is supported within EnableAutoCompare/DisableAutoCompare methods. You can also use the corresponding PDD macros (ADC_PDD_SetCompareValue1Raw, ADC_PDD_SetCompareValue2Raw, ADC_PDD_SetCompareFunction).
To get these methods visible is necessary to switch to the Expert visibility mode in upper part of Component Inspector view.
I found the AutoCompare method, but using the PDD functions to change values that should be in the LDD seems a bit backwards. Are there any plans to add fields in the LDD for the two compare values and the compare mode?
I see how the method would work here and we can definitely use it for now.
Thanks for the heads up.
-Josh E