Board details:
Problem Statement:
We run the Nxp freertos sd card example code. But sd card is not detecting.
we want to achive:
To detect sd card. and move image files in sd card.
please give some input for us.
Thank you.
Hello, my name is Pavel, and I will be supporting your case, I reviewed your information I do not get clear what kind of example are you using, but I review the sdcard_freertos_cm7 and review the doc file and this mentioned the following.
Note: If DATA3 is used as the card detect PIN, please make sure DATA3 is pull down, no matter internal or external, at the same time, make sure the card can pull DATA3 up, then host can detect card through DATA3.And SDHC do not support detect card through CD by host, card can be detected through DATA3 or GPIO.No matter detect card through host or gpio, make sure the pinmux configuration is correct.
Please make sure R136 is weld for GPIO card detect.
Let me know if you have more doubts.
Best regards,
Hi sir,
Thank you for your information.
We required few more clarification on the below topic,
Now SD card is detected. In our case board flash memory is reached almost 75% and we need to move the image files to SD card. Could you please provide the more details how to move the image file to SD card. Once moved the data to SD how we can boot the system from SD card. thanks
FYI, I have attached board flash details here
Hello, for that I recommend reviewing the examples of FATFS.
Best regards,