How can I save date in the EEPROM from microcontroller? Are there any EEPROM component for this?

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How can I save date in the EEPROM from microcontroller? Are there any EEPROM component for this?

Contributor II



Firstly I would like to thank you in advance.


I'm working in a development with MK20DX256VLH7 microcontroller. In my development I have to manage a great quantity of data that I have to keep saved. I would like to use EEPROM memory or any other memory that it works in the same way in this microcontroller or any non-volatile memory. Do you know how can I acccess at this memory?? Do I have to attach a new component of this memory in the Project or another component? How does it work?? Do you Know fuctions that they work with this component and they allowed me to access to the memory.


Thanks again,


Arturo Arteaga

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5 Replies

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi Arturo,

You needn't add other components , only double click the Processor ,

choose " Flash memory organization " , then you  can configure EEPROM refer to your requirement :


Hope it helps

Have a great day,

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Contributor II

Hi Alice,

I see how I should configure EEPROM from CPU, but which methods I should use in order to save date in EEPROM and capture from it. I don’t see these methods in CPU component to save and capture dates in the EEPROM, Don’t you use any component to save and capture dates? Maybe saving and capturing in the flash you could manage to do the same, couldn’t you?

Thanks again for your answer,

Have a nice day,

Arturo Arteaga

De: Alice_Yang

Enviado el: martes, 18 de abril de 2017 5:18

Para: Arturo Arteaga

Asunto: Re: - Re: How can I save date in the EEPROM from microcontroller? Are there any EEPROM component for this?

<> NXP Community

Re: How can I save date in the EEPROM from microcontroller? Are there any EEPROM component for this?

reply from Alice_Yang <> in Processor Expert Software - View the full discussion <>

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi Arturo,

You need add the component of FLASH_LDD, the use the driver  Flash_Write() and so on

to writhe , read  EEPROM .

There is a same question , you can refer to it :

EEPROM use with processor expert and K20 

Hope it helps

Have a great day,

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Contributor II

Hi Alice,

I have seen your advice, but my Application is not CodeWarrior, it´s KDS. I suppose like the example that you sent me, the configuration for EEPROM size I should set in debugger not in Component Inspector, is correct? But I don´t see where to vary the size in this window. For another hand How can I link FLASH_LDD with EEPROM?? Should I use this component? The same functions from FLASH_LDD in processor expert? What´s the begin of the eeprom address?? Can you change the eeprom size in the CPU component?

Another last question, I have just managed to save a huge set of data in the flash block, my question is it the same that saving in the eeprom??, can you remain date under whatever cicumstances using a Flash block?

Thanks again for your quick answer.


Arturo Arteaga

De: Alice_Yang

Enviado el: martes, 18 de abril de 2017 12:20

Para: Arturo Arteaga

Asunto: Re: - Re: How can I save date in the EEPROM from microcontroller? Are there any EEPROM component for this?

<> NXP Community

Re: How can I save date in the EEPROM from microcontroller? Are there any EEPROM component for this?

reply from Alice_Yang <> in Processor Expert Software - View the full discussion <>

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Arturo,

1.  Sorry for my misunderstand ,  we  needn't add the component of "Flash_ldd".

After configure it on Cup, there is some related function under Cpu component :


2. About the write and read EEEPROM, it is directly write and read, there isn't command like Flash.

For example as Filip said  :   *(word*)0x14000000 = 0xAA;

There isn't the Write function for EEPROM in PE code,  you can  use or refer to the "Flash driver" on

NXP site :

Search Results: c90tfs_flash_driver 


It includes the EEEWrite.c file, you can use it on KDS.


3.  About the maximum size of EEProm  , please check your chip's Reference manual :



So for your chip, the maximum size of EEPROM is 2K .

Have a great day,

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