'Generator: FAILURE.....Unknown macro: "PE_G_CPUCFG_SysInitFunctionName" '

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'Generator: FAILURE.....Unknown macro: "PE_G_CPUCFG_SysInitFunctionName" '

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Senior Contributor I


I am trying to generate code for a some GPIO pins with Processor Expert and I'm getting errors during code generation.

I have the Vybrid Tower (TWR-VF65GS10-PRO). For the development software, I'm using the "FREE ARM DS-5 Starter Kit for Vybrid Controller Tower System module" on Ubuntu Linux in a VMWare Virtual Machine.

These are the errors I'm encountering when I click "Generate Processor Expert Code".:

Description    Resource    Path    Location    Type

Generator: FAILURE: at line 282: Unknown macro: "PE_G_CPUCFG_SysInitFunctionName" (file: Drivers\Vybrid\Vybrid.drv)    FirstPE        Cpu    Processor Expert Problem

Generator: FAILURE: at line 283: Unknown macro: "PE_G_CPUCFG_SysInitFunctionName" (file: Drivers\Vybrid\Vybrid.drv)    FirstPE        Cpu    Processor Expert Problem (this one happens twice in a row)

Generator: FAILURE: at line 41: Unknown macro: "PE_G_CPUCFG_SysInitFunctionName" (file: Drivers\Vybrid\Vybrid.drv)    FirstPE        Cpu    Processor Expert Problem

Generator: FAILURE: at line 568: Unknown macro: "PE_G_CPUCFG_SysInitFunctionName" (file: Drivers\Vybrid\Vybrid.drv)    FirstPE        Cpu    Processor Expert Problem

Generator: FAILURE: at line 591: Unknown macro: "PE_G_CPUCFG_SysInitFunctionName" (file: Drivers\Vybrid\Vybrid.drv)    FirstPE        Cpu    Processor Expert Problem (this one happens twice in a row)

Generator: FAILURE: at line 599: Unknown macro: "PE_G_CPUCFG_SysInitFunctionReturn" (file: Drivers\Vybrid\Vybrid.drv)    FirstPE        Cpu    Processor Expert Problem

The PE port to Vybrid is fairly new, so I'm thinking this is a bug.

The code I'm trying to generate is for the Vybrid Cortex-A5 core for (embedded) Linux. I saw that, in the release notes, that it says "No dual-core support. only A5 core supported in the generated code.". When will the code generation for the Vybrid Cortex-M4 core become available? That would be really nice to have.


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1 Solution
Senior Contributor I

This was solved by a file posted in this thread:

Vybrid support for other compilers.

View solution in original post

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4 Replies
Senior Contributor I

This was solved by a file posted in this thread:

Vybrid support for other compilers.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee


seems this is really a bug. However we would need more details in order to provide you corresponding support/fix.

Could you please post here *.pe file from you project and provide info about "Driver Suite" you use?

Regarding M4: As far as I know that there is no plan for M4 support in near future, however I am passing this request to our management.

Best regards

Vojtech Filip

Processor Expert Support Team

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Senior Contributor I

Hi Vojtech,

I did a lot of looking around and experimenting with PEx on the Vybrid Tower. One thing we need is for PEx to generate code for the ARM CC compiler with the CDT Internal Builder. Is this something I could request?

The ARM DS-5 environment can do dual-core debugging. It can simultaneously debug Linux on the A5 and MQX/non-MQX on the M4. The Linux firmware on the A5 is compiled with the Timesys toolchain and the programs on the M4 are compiled with the ARM CC compiler. All of this is done within the ARM DS-5 environment under Linux. I think the DS-5 GCC compiler also works for the M4 core, but have not tried it.


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Senior Contributor I

Hi Vojtech,

Attached is the PE file.

I'm using Eclipse under Ubuntu Linux 32-bit. Eclipse was packaged as the ARM DS-5 environment.

Here is the info about the Driver Suite I'm using. I got it from Help --> Install New Software... --> already installed

Microcontroller Driver Suite for Vybrid VF3xx(R)/VF5xx(R)/VF6xx derivatives  1.0.0  com.freescale.processorexpert.vybrid.sp.feature.group    Freescale Semiconductor

Microcontrollers Driver Suite  10.2.3    com.freescale.processorexpert.standalone.feature.group    Freescale Semiconductor

The Microcontrollers Driver Suite 10.2.3 has more underneath it:

Pin Settings    1.0.0.RT4_b1318-1583    com.freescale.processorexpert.feature.pinsettings.feature.group    Freescale Semiconductor

Processor Expert Base UI    1.4.0.RT4_b1339-1658    com.freescale.processorexpert.feature.core.ui.feature.group    Freescale Semiconductor

Processor Expert Base Wizards    1.4.0.RT4_b1339-1658    com.freescale.processorexpert.feature.core.wizards.feature.group    Freescale Semiconductor

Processor Expert Core    1.4.0.RT4_b1339-1658    com.freescale.processorexpert.feature.core.feature.group    Freescale Semiconductor

Processor Expert Custom Views    1.0.0.RT4_b1339-1658    com.freescale.processorexpert.feature.custom.mcu.feature.group    Freescale Semiconductor

Processor Expert Flexnet License    1.0.0.RT4_b1339-1658    com.freescale.processorexpert.feature.license.feature.group    Freescale Semiconductor


Thanks also for passing along the feature request for M4 code generation. I forgot to tell you that it's for MQX on the M4.

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