请问各位NXP专家,CTU 的CMD list ADC通道在从采样ADC0 通道0+和ADC1通道2同步采样 切换为 ADC0通道0+ADC1通道3同步采样,切换之后ADC1 通道3的采样结果是否会偏小呢?怎么避免偏小,保证采样准确呢?已经确认了切换成功了,通过下图电流波形也可与看出来。以上通道是只是举例子。
please try to use English to describe the issue. From the translator I understand the measurement of one phase on ADC1 looks little bit low. It could be fine if you can share the ADC circuitry you have. Also compare ADC measurement with real phase measurement taken with scope, which I think is not shown on the pictures. If you have a possibilities try to use different ADC channels on MCU. Does anything change if the ADC channel presampling is enabled?
BR, Petr
Hi,Petr,thank you for your response!
The picture below is ADC circuitry,TP548、TP551、TP553 is op amp output,R529/R530/R531 is 100Ω,C524/C526/C527 is 6.8nF。And the real phase measurement signal is current,it is very low voltage,Let me try。
我想请问你一下 你有在ADC的代码中加入操作系统吗?