How to find CMOS/BICMOS/BIPOLAR of IC in which the details are not mentioned. For example, IC MC10XS4200DFKR2 don't have the details of fabrication technology. Kindly help on this topic as soon as possible?
Hi Ganesh,
I did not find this type of information in any of the publicly available documentation. Therefore I will have to request from the product group.
Meanwhile, could you please let us know:
1. Why do you need this information?
2. To what level of detail?
3. In what application do you intend to use this device?
Best regards,
1. Why do you need this information?
I need this information in order to calculate reliability as per IEC62380 standard in which fabrication category of IC is needed to calculate the fit rate.
2. To what level of detail?
Basic level of detail
3. In what application do you intend to use this device?
Hi Ganesh,
Thank you for your answers. Regarding the FIT rate, you can find it in our AN5333 - Safety application notes for MC24XS4 family:
Best regards,