I am integrating MC33774a driver in our BMS software. (previously used MC33775)
But I found some of static codes are missed. ( CDD_Bcc_774a_SL.c, CDD_Bms_TPL3_SL_E2E.c )
I got 1) SW32K3_BMS_SDK_4.4_R21-11_1.0.2,
2) SW32K3_BMS_SL_SDK_4.4_0.9.0_DEMO,
3) SW32K3_BMS_SL_SDK_4.4_R21-11_1.0.2_DEMO from NXP server.
I couldn't find it.
Would you please send me ?
Thank you for reply, but I am not quite sure of it. What do you mean those two files don't exist.
I guess CDD_Bcc_774a_SL.h and CDD_Bcc_774a_SL.c are pair. don't they?
and CDD_Bms_TPL3_SL_E2E.h and CDD_Bms_TPL3_SL_E2E.c as well.
I have tested and compiled the demos we provided, and they are as expected.
And the two files you mentioned, CDD_Bcc_774a_SL.c, CDD_Bms_TPL3_SL_E2E.c" do not exist in the directory.
very nice.. and for example, can you find the definition of the below function ? there is a declaration but I can't find function body.
1.These are two different versions and you need to install the corresponding development environment
1)SW32K3_BMS_SDK_4.4_R21-11_1.0.2 & SW32K3_BMS_SL_SDK_4.4_R21-11_1.0.2_DEMO
2) SW32K3_BMS_SDK_4.4_0.9.0_updatesite_D2210.zip &SW32K3_BMS_SL_SDK_4.4_0.9.0_DEMO
• Install S32 Design Studio IDE v3.4
• Install the Update Site for S32K3 Real Time Drivers AUTOSAR 4.4 Version 2.0.0:
2. The two files you mentioned do not exist in the driver we provide.
"CDD_Bcc_774a_SL.c, CDD_Bms_TPL3_SL_E2E.c"
But we provide
"CDD_Bcc_774a_SL.h, CDD_Bms_TPL3_SL_E2E.h"
Please double check or provide a screenshot.