Hello everyone,
This is the second program I have written in assembly language and I am getting "error A1104: User undefined symbol: 'Entry'". Which is kind of weird because it worked fine in my first program. I am running code warrior for hc12 on parallels on my macbook pro and here is my code:
;* This stationery serves as the framework for a *
;* user application (single file, absolute assembly application) *
;* For a more comprehensive program that *
;* demonstrates the more advanced functionality of this *
;* processor, please see the demonstration applications *
;* located in the examples subdirectory of the *
;* Freescale CodeWarrior for the HC12 Program directory *
; export symbols
XDEF Entry, _Startup ; export 'Entry' symbol
ABSENTRY Entry ; for absolute assembly: mark this as application entry point
; Include derivative-specific definitions
INCLUDE 'derivative.inc'
DATAStart EQU $0800 ; absolute address to place variables
DATAEnd EQU $0BFF ; last address of RAM, used to init stack pointer
ProgStart EQU $0A00 ; absolute address to place code/constant data
; variable/data section
ORG DATAStart ;starts storing data at location 0800
;Calling Program
LDS ProgStart ; loads stack pointer to 0A00
LDAA NUM ; loads NUM to register A
PSHA ; places NUM in stack frame
LDAA DEN ; loads DEN in register A
PSHA ; places DEN in stack frame
DES ; creates space for return value
JSR ROUND ; jumps to sub program ROUND
PULA ; retrieves result
STAA RNDVAL ; stores result in RNDVAL
INS ; recovers dynamic memory used by DEN
INS ; recovers dynamic memory used by NUM
STOP ; terminates program
;Sub Program
ORG $0B00 ;absolute address to store sub program
;prolog code
TSY ; loads pointer to y
LDAA #0 ; loads zero in register A
LDAB 11,Y ; loads NUM into register B
LDX 10,Y ; loads DEN into register X
IDIV ; divides A+B by X
LDAA #2 ; loads 2 to register A
MUL ; multiplies 2 x remainder
XGDX ; switches 2*R to X and Qout to AB
CPX 10,Y ; compares double remainder to DEN
BLT SKIP ; if x is less then den
RTS ; returns back with HI (7,Y) and LO (8,Y)
SKIP ADDB #1 ; else round up one
STAB 9,Y ; stores B in return value
;epilog code
PULY ; stores Y HI 1,Y and LO 2,Y
PULX ; stores X HI 3,Y and LO 4,Y
PULB ; stores B in 5,Y
PULA ; stores A in 6,Y
RTS ; returns back with HI (7,Y) and LO (8,Y)
;* Interrupt Vectors *
DC.W Entry ; Reset Vector
As you can see my code was complete and I was just debugging each line to see if it worked, but i got stuck in the first line. Any help would be appreciated.